
At last, we have some snow. I’m enough of a child about snow still that this had me dancing round the bedroom last night watching the falling flakes swirling outside. We only had a couple of inches but it’s enough that everything this morning was muffled and hushed, the smell of fox hung heavy in the front garden (answering the question of what had made the footprints on the driveway), and the blackbirds were doing their best hummingbird impersonations trying to get to the berries on the tree that overhangs the pond (not sure what it is, possibly some variety of ash, but it fruits in winter with yellowish white berries that the blackbirds adore) without landing.

I was pleasantly surprised this morning to see the City Council staff out shovelling the crossings and bus stops clear and spreading salt – I used to live in Bedford and work in London and both were of the opinion that ‘owing to ‘elf and safety’ (i.e. laziness and liability) clearing the pavements was a dangerous act which could only lead to chaos and dismay, and it was much safer to allow the pavements to turn into sheet-ice sluices forcing pedestrians to either walk in the traffic intentionally or slither unwillingly into the road at every drop-kerb.

Matt has taken the little’un out to the children’s centre this morning for a play session and has sent me a text to say that a lovely time has been had playing outside in the snow – hopefully he’s taken a lot of photos for me. This is the first time we’ve had snow since Leo was 10 months old and completely oblivious and he was somewhat enraptured this morning when we opened the curtains.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What? Did I say something I shouldn't have?

  3. I have no idea how I managed that! I blame my phone entirely - I was trying to reply to say that when I lived in the arse end of nowhere I have to admit I wasn't as keen on snow as I am now, and somehow I deleted your comment, my comment, and my profile picture!

    I am treating my phone as a 'read only' device and sticking to commenting on the PC from now on!

  4. I was worried that I'd said something nasty.... not like me!


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